
Saturday, March 24, 2012


Once more I am back on a jet headed for Buenos Aires.  Civilization at last!  Or maybe I prefer being “out there “ in the middle of nowhere…in the middle of Patagonia. 
It was very special but still a little unnerving, not having electricity nor phones for a week.  I always look for places that at least have an internet connection; however this area of Patagonia had none.  It is a strange feeling to be without.
Most of the estancias and hotels where I stayed, had loads of atmosphere and history….but electricity was of little importance.  Those that cared turned their generators on about 7PM and kept it running until about 11PM or midnight.
At first I freaked out as part of my job is communicating with you, my readers, about where I am and what I am experiencing.   I would write an article every night in my word program and then at 7PM when the generator and the Wi-Fi went on, I tried to post what I had written.  The only problem being, that everyone from employees to management to the guests were all trying to get on the satellite connection (which is normally very slow) all at the same time which made connecting almost impossible.
I tried to check my email, but that too was a disaster.  One email I did receive was from my husband wondering if I was alive.  I usually call him, or at least he reads my blogs, but in this case, there was nothing from me at all, and he was scared.  Now I know what foreign correspondents feel like when they are in the field.  If I do too many more of these really off the wall trips, I will have to get my own satellite connection.
In any case, after a day or two of non-communication…except for the sea lions and penguins….I settled in and really began to like the feeling of talking and listening…to nature….to the birds….to the wind.
So now I am back with people…in a little silver tube flying to Buenos Aires.  The cacophony of Spanish chit chat is ringing in my ears.  Maybe it would be better if I were back on the beach with the noisy sea lions honking. 
I will however be able to adjust back to my normal life I think…..maybe?

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