
Saturday, September 21, 2013


My last day in Ecuador and I have been invited to a new small lodge and wellness spa located near the town of Otovalo about 2 hours from Quito.

Sacha Ji is a great surprise and so glad I made plans to go there prior to my flight back to the states.  I only wish I could have stayed longer.  This wonderful holistic retreat hotel is tucked into the hillside with stunning views of Lago San Pablo and the Imbabura Volcano.  

Ecuadorian wellness expert who is both the architect of this lovely hotel, as well as a world class photographer, also teaches Kundulini Yoga to all her guests.  What a refreshing start to the afternoon to sit in her yoga studio doing relaxation and breathing excersises with a stunning  scenic background of her eco sustainable villas, gards and a smattering of small towns scattered across the nearby mountains.

Paths from the main house to the villas are made of sand and volcanic ash, all the better to walk on in bare feet.  You can actually feel the energy coming from the earth in several meditation corners located at specific spots on the property.  The  organic food is all grown on site and the menu offered is both vegan as well as vegetarian.  If you do not practice either of those, there is also a regular and very healthful menu available with trout from the nearby lake and other local treats from Ecuador.

Teresa, the owner offers Yoga retreats, photography retreats, wellness weeks, and many other opportunities including classes in "horse wispering". She also includes regular excursions to the weekly market in famed Otovalo.

A spa is available for massages and other healing treatments too.  Before my trip home, I decided to have an Ecuadorian Shamantic Healing Massage.  What a wonderful surprise when Rosa, a local healer arrived with her 14 year old son (her Shaman in training) to give me this ritual massage.
Dressed in typical indigenous clothing, she chanted and talked to me throughtout the treatment.  Completly in "the buff", I got used to having the Shaman in Traiing in the room too as he helped her with several of the more strenous moves that involved stretching my body from top to bottom by lifting me backwards off my feet onto his back.  I know this sounds wierd, but in the context of the treatment, it was totally relaxing.  In the end, she declared me very healthy and even told me that she had fixed my very week knees.  As I climbed the stairs after the treatment....I was surprised to not feel any strain or pain.  As I also suffer regularly from headaches, she told me that the next time I have one, I am supposed to go outside to the nearest tree ( not a plam tree of course), wrap my arms around it and breath deeply for 5 minutes with eyes closed.  She guarantees that my headache will go away.
So the next time anyone sees me hugging a will know what I am doing.

As the sun sets over the lake and the beautiful mountains are bathed in the fading light of the day, I have to leave this place and head to the Quito Airport for my flight home.   I can guarantee one thing however....Sacha Ji......I will be back.

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