
Saturday, October 27, 2012


It has been years since I have been to Guatemala, a country that I loved as much as Peru.  But as fate would have it, South America occupied my life and I settled there to begin my career.

Now though, I have a chance to once again visit Guatemala and the jungles of Belize too.  So as cabin fever has gotten to me and I have been home for almost six weeks (yikes!)...I am again jumping on a plane bound for Guatemala City.

Will it still be as quaint and colorful as I remember it?  Will the jungles around Tikal still make those awesome  and mysterious sounds that only the Quetzal bird can make?  Will the morning market in
Chichicastenango still have the locals doing their indigenous ceremonies in the Cathedral and the sound of the
Marimba floating across the breeze?

Next week will reveal all.  I am exited!

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