I don't know what time zone I am in even thought I had a nice flat bed on Delta to sleep on, and a bed at the surprisingly nice Novohotel at the Bangkok Airport.
I arrived last night (I think?) at 11PM and by the time I cleared the customs line and got my bag it was about midnight. I was not about to look for the famed "tunnel of 200 yds" to walk to the hotel.
So I rolled my entire life for now to Exit Door No. 4 where the hotel bus was waiting. With a nice bow and "swasadika" (welcome in Thai), my name was checked off the list, bag put aboard the bus and by 12:20AM I was checked in, had a wonderful shower and was in my bed soon to fall fast asleep.
That said, morning comes fast when you are "having fun" and at 6AM I was up again and over to the airport for the next part of my journey.
What is it that compels me so to torture my body this way. Some days I think I am way too old to do this, but then.......the siren call of distant and wonderful places wins over....and I am off again.
I think of all my friends and neighbors driving to Port Canaveral and boarding a ship for a few days and wonder if I am missing something? But then, are they missing something not to have seen what I have seen and hiked the mountains that I have and seen the amazing spots of the world, meeting new people and learning of their customs.
So who's counting? Me? Maybe not after all!
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